One Stop Recruiting knows that hiring that perfect Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, or Registered Nurse to be an addition to your staff can be tricky. This is one of the advantages of using a medical staffing agency to assist you in your search. Recruiting isn’t just about sourcing and finding candidates looking for a medical position, it is also about screening the candidates to see if they are worthy of an interview. Starting with one hundred candidates and turning them into five or ten qualified candidates that have already passed a phone interview significantly increases your chances of finding the best medical professional for your available position.
It is because our recruiters are so focused on quality over quantity that we are able to offer a 90 day guarantee to ensure the candidate meets your qualifications. Anytime during the initial 90 days of employment, if the candidate doesn’t meet your qualifications or decides to leave, we will replace that candidate at no additional cost to you. This helps protect your investment and allow you to be confident in your decision. One Stop Recruiting assumes the risks for you. We source the candidates, screen them to make sure they meet your needs, and verify they are actually interested in your opportunity. You are under no obligations to hire the candidates we send you. If you do like one of our candidates enough to hire them, we give you 90 days to figure out if they really are a good fit and what you are looking for. If not, we will replace them.